I am finally here...!!!
My baby arrived promptly on his due date. It was a smooth labour thanks to all the painkillers I took, so didn’t give me much of a discomfort...and hearing his first cry was like music to my ears.
We are finally mommy and daddy to a little angel. His basic motto in life as of now seems to be sleep, eat and excrete whatever little his small tummy has consumed…hehehehe. The only time he wails out in full volume is when he is hungry…the rest of the time he is a peacefully fellow.
My son has his father’s eyes and nose and a round face like me…mannerism resembles his father more and he is a sheer delight to watch. His facial expressions, the way he look’s at me when he is hungry or angry, yeah he does get angry after the bath session, which is like a punishment for him…is the most adorable sight…nothing and I mean nothing in life can ever be bargained against the sheer pleasure of being a mother…
Every time I hold my son and nuzzle into his neck, the sheer baby smell overwhelms me and I simply love cuddling him, only because he gets annoyed do I put him down…the Johnson’s products have been put to good use, although he doesn’t seem to be quite fond of them, as they are usually applied after the bath routine and he is already annoyed with us about the bath. My sister has gifted me a little bath chair in-order to make the bathing experience more pleasurable for him. As of now my constant bantering and chatting with him doesn’t seem to be making much difference although he does make an effort to hear what I am telling him between all those tears…till he realizes he is in the water and cries out loud again!
I am quite thrilled and enjoying each and every moment…talking to my child, singing to him while putting him to sleep, playing with him and cuddling him are the biggest joys of this world…and he is the cutest…forgive me but I am a mother now and this little creation is just perfect in my eyes!!!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
40 Weeks & Rocking!!!
The count down has begun!!!
It’s like a New Year eve party where you count till the clock strikes 12 and that's how I am feeling...it is like an endless wait...the visits to the doctor more often, the hospital bag all prepared, my parents visits planned and the last few days change in diet...but you never know...!!!
My little one might just decide to prolong his stay in the cozy cocoon inside and I may end up with a late delivery or it might just decide to pop out and say “Hi, I am here!!!” but the anticipation is killing…
My nephew, whose favourite question is, ”When is your baby out?”, is really looking forward to having twins, although I tried telling him we are not having twins, but his persistent “what if they are twins,masi?”, really didn’t warrant the dampening of spirits…so I told him it would be really thrilling then. My sister added if they are triplets, he might end up running down the streets with excitement….although we know its just one baby as per the sonography! Bless my stars!!!
The imagination has gotten far more vivid these days with me getting a glimpse of my baby’s face in my dreams, so if the next day I describe it to my husband; he is a bit skeptical considering the past history of my dreams and their accuracy…hehehehe. But all in all I am damn excited. Every movement in my tummy is sheer joy but the wait unbearable!!!
I am anxious about the whole process and also fear the intensity of my screams. I tried cross checking with the nurses in my hospital if the labour room is sound proof, this didn’t evoke much of a response from them, except to tell me to relax! Which obliviously I can’t as of now…I am at the end of my nerves!
We have 7 days to go!!! And I am expecting a little roaring Lion (well the star sign is going to be Leo, so I did do the parent-child compatibility test….genuineness of the same can be verified over the coming years!!!)
It’s like a New Year eve party where you count till the clock strikes 12 and that's how I am feeling...it is like an endless wait...the visits to the doctor more often, the hospital bag all prepared, my parents visits planned and the last few days change in diet...but you never know...!!!
My little one might just decide to prolong his stay in the cozy cocoon inside and I may end up with a late delivery or it might just decide to pop out and say “Hi, I am here!!!” but the anticipation is killing…
My nephew, whose favourite question is, ”When is your baby out?”, is really looking forward to having twins, although I tried telling him we are not having twins, but his persistent “what if they are twins,masi?”, really didn’t warrant the dampening of spirits…so I told him it would be really thrilling then. My sister added if they are triplets, he might end up running down the streets with excitement….although we know its just one baby as per the sonography! Bless my stars!!!
The imagination has gotten far more vivid these days with me getting a glimpse of my baby’s face in my dreams, so if the next day I describe it to my husband; he is a bit skeptical considering the past history of my dreams and their accuracy…hehehehe. But all in all I am damn excited. Every movement in my tummy is sheer joy but the wait unbearable!!!
I am anxious about the whole process and also fear the intensity of my screams. I tried cross checking with the nurses in my hospital if the labour room is sound proof, this didn’t evoke much of a response from them, except to tell me to relax! Which obliviously I can’t as of now…I am at the end of my nerves!
We have 7 days to go!!! And I am expecting a little roaring Lion (well the star sign is going to be Leo, so I did do the parent-child compatibility test….genuineness of the same can be verified over the coming years!!!)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Time to Shop!
I have another 20 odd days to go…technically that is less than 3 weeks…so I these days I am full fledged involved or rather indulging in the activity that I am best at-SHOPPI NG!!!
I have got my baby shopping list in place, right from things needed at birth to the post birth requirements for newborns. What I have been periodically shopping for myself on account of my growing tummy not included, this new shopping is over and above all that. This retail therapy that I am indulging in is for my baby.
My shopping sprees were on account of varying reasons such as I don’t fit into my clothes to I need bigger shoes as my feet are swollen or I am depressed and don’t feel good or a mere...my baby likes this food hence I got to indulge my sweet tooth and put on weight without guilt! I have gone ahead splurged my money on all things necessary as well as unnecessary…like fancy hair accessories to earrings which are not remotely connected to my delivery, but helped elevate my mood and get over my occasional pregnancy blues…
But coming to my baby shopping I am pleased with the indefinite options available that encourage new parents like us to blow our money. They might not be necessities and may turn out to be sheer luxuries but deciding where to draw the line is a tough choice… things which my grand parents or for that matter even my parents never knew existed are available along with a choice of brand to pick. Any non-branded item is subjected to intense scrutiny and the quality is highly doubtful, but at times I really wonder whether my mom did actually consider the brand when she bought me my first toy or milk bottle!
The shopping list is endless, although I really don’t think my kid is going to mind it if I buy a normal bath towel or a one decorated with teddy bears or Spiderman or the Little Mermaid…cos they just don’t know such things exist…but me as a parent wants a towel that is kind of cute and soft and soothing to the eye, in light colours and snuggly…but does my baby really care??? My husband keeps telling me he will shop after the baby birth but it everytime draws a firm “No” from me! He doesn’t seem to understand my need and desire to explore ten shops before picking up one thing and selecting the right colour to match varying moods…he will simply not realize the importance of having the same thing in a different design and varying shades of yellow, I actually wonder if he knows there are shades in yellow…but I guess that’s normal to all guys…so can’t blame him!
I have a list for everything…it’s the organized DNA in me which is measuring on the brink of an obsessive compulsive disorder, but I prefer calling it “Being Organized”. There is a list of the kind of clothes needed, the baby bedroom furniture with an accessory list separate and a list of items needed for liquid feed and solid feed separately, although the solid feed is supposed to start after 6 months, one needs to be prepared for it n… and it goes on to include the types of toys that one needs to buy to ensure overall child development! Who thought about all this???
My husband did get a bit scared when I pulled out this list…the whole idea of him shopping later for the baby was dropped instantly and I am solely and wholly responsible for this activity now. I plan my days accordingly to take out time for my shopping sprees in the evenings and I can’t describe the pleasure I get everytime I pick up a new piece of clothing and image my baby wearing it…trust me a sheer delightful experience all should indulge in!
Forget the practicality aspect just indulge right now…
I have got my baby shopping list in place, right from things needed at birth to the post birth requirements for newborns. What I have been periodically shopping for myself on account of my growing tummy not included, this new shopping is over and above all that. This retail therapy that I am indulging in is for my baby.
My shopping sprees were on account of varying reasons such as I don’t fit into my clothes to I need bigger shoes as my feet are swollen or I am depressed and don’t feel good or a mere...my baby likes this food hence I got to indulge my sweet tooth and put on weight without guilt! I have gone ahead splurged my money on all things necessary as well as unnecessary…like fancy hair accessories to earrings which are not remotely connected to my delivery, but helped elevate my mood and get over my occasional pregnancy blues…
But coming to my baby shopping I am pleased with the indefinite options available that encourage new parents like us to blow our money. They might not be necessities and may turn out to be sheer luxuries but deciding where to draw the line is a tough choice… things which my grand parents or for that matter even my parents never knew existed are available along with a choice of brand to pick. Any non-branded item is subjected to intense scrutiny and the quality is highly doubtful, but at times I really wonder whether my mom did actually consider the brand when she bought me my first toy or milk bottle!
The shopping list is endless, although I really don’t think my kid is going to mind it if I buy a normal bath towel or a one decorated with teddy bears or Spiderman or the Little Mermaid…cos they just don’t know such things exist…but me as a parent wants a towel that is kind of cute and soft and soothing to the eye, in light colours and snuggly…but does my baby really care??? My husband keeps telling me he will shop after the baby birth but it everytime draws a firm “No” from me! He doesn’t seem to understand my need and desire to explore ten shops before picking up one thing and selecting the right colour to match varying moods…he will simply not realize the importance of having the same thing in a different design and varying shades of yellow, I actually wonder if he knows there are shades in yellow…but I guess that’s normal to all guys…so can’t blame him!
I have a list for everything…it’s the organized DNA in me which is measuring on the brink of an obsessive compulsive disorder, but I prefer calling it “Being Organized”. There is a list of the kind of clothes needed, the baby bedroom furniture with an accessory list separate and a list of items needed for liquid feed and solid feed separately, although the solid feed is supposed to start after 6 months, one needs to be prepared for it n… and it goes on to include the types of toys that one needs to buy to ensure overall child development! Who thought about all this???
My husband did get a bit scared when I pulled out this list…the whole idea of him shopping later for the baby was dropped instantly and I am solely and wholly responsible for this activity now. I plan my days accordingly to take out time for my shopping sprees in the evenings and I can’t describe the pleasure I get everytime I pick up a new piece of clothing and image my baby wearing it…trust me a sheer delightful experience all should indulge in!
Forget the practicality aspect just indulge right now…
Monday, June 14, 2010
Bottoms Up!
I always wonder how babies manage to smell so exotic. There is this unique smell which you get everytime you pick a baby and the scent is so intoxicating and unique that you feel like biting into that little fleshy wonder…Now I am not a devil or someone evil, but the idea of cuddling and hugging those small marvel’s and snuggling into them gives such a warm feeling!!
The cutest part is the smooth baby bottom which is so soft & silky! And when they sleep with their little bummsies protruding out they look so adorable. The other day on my way to office, I saw this cute little plump baby boy who got into the lift with his mom, his eyes exploring everyone around him, and then he acknowledged everyone’s presence with this sweet smile of his and got tired and snuggled into his mom! I so wanted to reach out and hug this little bundle…
I am dying to hold my little baby and snuggle into it!!!
The cutest part is the smooth baby bottom which is so soft & silky! And when they sleep with their little bummsies protruding out they look so adorable. The other day on my way to office, I saw this cute little plump baby boy who got into the lift with his mom, his eyes exploring everyone around him, and then he acknowledged everyone’s presence with this sweet smile of his and got tired and snuggled into his mom! I so wanted to reach out and hug this little bundle…
Coming back to baby smells… the whole concept of lathering it up in lots of Johnson’s baby powder and cream is so lovely! I have already selected the baby kit I am going to buy which comprises of an assortment of creams, lotions & powders. I also picked up a few cute little baby t-shirts! The idea of your baby wrapped in a plump nappy popping out of its little t shirt is so funny!
I am dying to hold my little baby and snuggle into it!!!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
It’s all in the Genes!!! But Whose???
Now that I have another 60 odd days to go, the curiosity is kind of killing. The discussions are often on the lines of whose genes is the baby going to inherit…Will he take after my side of the family or my husbands? And then we end up discussing all the eccentric behavior in the family that we dread!
Will he be a book worm like me who can lick up pages and finish a novel in two days back to back or be a sports enthusiastic person like my husband who is passionate about each and every game and knows the intricacies about all kind of sporting events where I draw a total blank on that front…
Will he inherit the walk of my father which is a peculiar trait in my brother and nephew or my mother’s emotional quotient that has been passed in wholesale to me and my sister? My sister feels that my nephew is a reincarnation of my brother with the same traits and behaviors and reactions. If I have a son will he also be like my brother…I sure do dread that, although my brother, no wonder feels really proud of all the similarities that we keep drawing up!
Will he have my husband’s eyes with dark and deep eyelashes or will he be round egg-faced like me with a parrot nose? Will he have black hair or brown hair? Whose features will he take after?
Will he have a sweet-tooth like me or have an allergy to everything sweet like my husband. My explanation to this is; marrying me has filled my husband’s life with so much sweetness that he fondly calls me “honey”, & now he doesn’t have space for anything else sweeter than me….no one agrees to this, but its just plain pleasing to my ears!
Will he be a genius with numbers like my husband who can calculate the rate of interest on things in seconds, or run to the calculator for the simplest maths numerical like me or will he be a language lover like me who enjoys writing about everything under the sky?
Will he be a book worm like me who can lick up pages and finish a novel in two days back to back or be a sports enthusiastic person like my husband who is passionate about each and every game and knows the intricacies about all kind of sporting events where I draw a total blank on that front…
Will he inherit the walk of my father which is a peculiar trait in my brother and nephew or my mother’s emotional quotient that has been passed in wholesale to me and my sister? My sister feels that my nephew is a reincarnation of my brother with the same traits and behaviors and reactions. If I have a son will he also be like my brother…I sure do dread that, although my brother, no wonder feels really proud of all the similarities that we keep drawing up!
Will he have my husband’s eyes with dark and deep eyelashes or will he be round egg-faced like me with a parrot nose? Will he have black hair or brown hair? Whose features will he take after?
Will he have a sweet-tooth like me or have an allergy to everything sweet like my husband. My explanation to this is; marrying me has filled my husband’s life with so much sweetness that he fondly calls me “honey”, & now he doesn’t have space for anything else sweeter than me….no one agrees to this, but its just plain pleasing to my ears!
Will he be a genius with numbers like my husband who can calculate the rate of interest on things in seconds, or run to the calculator for the simplest maths numerical like me or will he be a language lover like me who enjoys writing about everything under the sky?
Will he be into romantic mushy movies and love stories or is he going to enjoy more of the gory stuff on TV? I scream and climb over the bed at the sight of a cockroach with tears rolling down my eyes, wonder how will he react to his mother’s antics? Or since its going to have both sets of genes, I hope he enjoys the dumb comedy movies that for a change we both love seeing!!!
Well whoever he takes after, atleast we know that the eccentric behavior runs in the family and now he is part of the same gene pool. We can keep reassuring each other that this unique creation is a result of our combined weird genes!
Friday, May 14, 2010
All about Kicks & Hiccups!!!
I think my baby has outgrown the space in my tummy…there is so much moving around as if it’s in a constant whirlpool. I am constantly being punched and kicked. At times there are these little protrusions on my belly surface which looks like a small knee being popped out or bums being pushed out to accommodate oneself! Everytime I push it back in…it resurfaces on the other side! And this has become a fun game for me!
My baby responds to all these gentle pushes and kicks back acknowledging my presence... He is most active in night, when it’s in full swing with its thrust’s & kick’s. It seems he is doing his practice run for a football game, just before the actual game begins.
Even during the recent IPL, to my husbands utter delight, my little one would kick around to glory everytime Mumbai India’s would be batting and specially when the little master Sachin Tendulkar was on field, a mutual respect and adoration being shared by my husband and kid! If I turned around to doze off, I was coaxed to watch the TV, because my baby was missing out on the action on account of my sleep patterns!
This little kid seems to be either zorbing around in my tummy or swinging golf clubs ‘cos I can constantly feel these minuscule & infinite fluttery vibrations all over! It’s like my whole tummy is a washing machine that’s running its full cycle. It ends at night when I sleep with the final spin function in motion!
My baby responds to all these gentle pushes and kicks back acknowledging my presence... He is most active in night, when it’s in full swing with its thrust’s & kick’s. It seems he is doing his practice run for a football game, just before the actual game begins.
Even during the recent IPL, to my husbands utter delight, my little one would kick around to glory everytime Mumbai India’s would be batting and specially when the little master Sachin Tendulkar was on field, a mutual respect and adoration being shared by my husband and kid! If I turned around to doze off, I was coaxed to watch the TV, because my baby was missing out on the action on account of my sleep patterns!
This little kid seems to be either zorbing around in my tummy or swinging golf clubs ‘cos I can constantly feel these minuscule & infinite fluttery vibrations all over! It’s like my whole tummy is a washing machine that’s running its full cycle. It ends at night when I sleep with the final spin function in motion!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
3 Beautiful Years Together!!!
We celebrated our third anniversary... although it feels great to know that we have spent so much time together, it also feels great knowing that from next year things would be different.
It’s no longer going to be the two of us as a couple but we would do things as a family. Celebrations would not longer be a date for the two of us but what our children have planned for us…I am really looking forward to all those sweet greeting cards made for mommy and daddy…
The years together from now onwards would be so different because now our priorities would shift from each to other to our baby!! Its said having a child is like having a piece of your heart walking around…you are so venerable at all times…its no longer about us…its about their happiness and well being…
At times, my husband and I wonder how we will cope and what kind of parents we would be, who would be the stricter one, who would entertain all their whims and fancy, who would simply give in to all their demands…it feels so strange just thinking about all this…
Like all parents we also dream about our baby and how will he/she react to things, situations and circumstances…who’s genes will he inherit...who will he/she look like…I simply cant wait to know all these things…
We are so looking forward to our little angel that these two months wait seems sooo long!!!
It’s no longer going to be the two of us as a couple but we would do things as a family. Celebrations would not longer be a date for the two of us but what our children have planned for us…I am really looking forward to all those sweet greeting cards made for mommy and daddy…
The years together from now onwards would be so different because now our priorities would shift from each to other to our baby!! Its said having a child is like having a piece of your heart walking around…you are so venerable at all times…its no longer about us…its about their happiness and well being…
At times, my husband and I wonder how we will cope and what kind of parents we would be, who would be the stricter one, who would entertain all their whims and fancy, who would simply give in to all their demands…it feels so strange just thinking about all this…
Like all parents we also dream about our baby and how will he/she react to things, situations and circumstances…who’s genes will he inherit...who will he/she look like…I simply cant wait to know all these things…
We are so looking forward to our little angel that these two months wait seems sooo long!!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Mundan- A Hindu Ritual for Babies
I just came across an awful and painful ritual that babies in India are subjected to…esp Hindu babies. The kid is not exactly new-born but more or less 6 to 9 months old.
Tonsuring (mundan) is an important ceremony in Hindu communities. The first haircut is an important ritual and it is believed that shaving the hair rids the child of his past life's negativity. Some believe that a mundan bestows a long life, a better future and also protects the child from the evil eye. In some communities, the hair on a newborn’s head is considered impure and it is believed that only a mundan can cleanse the child’s body and soul.
Some believe that a mundan helps release excess body heat and keeps the baby's head cool. Some also believe that a mundan helps relieve headache and pains associated with teething. It is also a common belief that shaving off the hair stimulates cells and improves blood circulation, which may help in the growth of better and thicker hair.
Apart from the Indian community, Chinese and Mongolians also observe similar traditions for shaving the head of their children.
But this ceremony is really a big torture for the poor kid, who cannot express itself in words and resorts to the only medium that it knows- that is crying. The tears appear like huge drops and the whole face is red like a tomato…but it can’t do anything. A slight twitch of the body results in cuts and knick’s which cause further pain and tears.
Further, after the shave it just has to bear the burning sensation and there is no way he may complain about it. Most kids end up looking hideous after the process… Given a choice I would never subject my child to this torture…my poor baby…I would end up in tears seeing him wither in tears! But Indian’s are so custom bound, that they are not ready to budge or forgo such things. You as parents hardly have any say in front of an endless list of relatives, who all claim to know what’s good for your child as this is your first experience at raising kids.
God Bless my Child!!!
Tonsuring (mundan) is an important ceremony in Hindu communities. The first haircut is an important ritual and it is believed that shaving the hair rids the child of his past life's negativity. Some believe that a mundan bestows a long life, a better future and also protects the child from the evil eye. In some communities, the hair on a newborn’s head is considered impure and it is believed that only a mundan can cleanse the child’s body and soul.
Some believe that a mundan helps release excess body heat and keeps the baby's head cool. Some also believe that a mundan helps relieve headache and pains associated with teething. It is also a common belief that shaving off the hair stimulates cells and improves blood circulation, which may help in the growth of better and thicker hair.
Apart from the Indian community, Chinese and Mongolians also observe similar traditions for shaving the head of their children.
But this ceremony is really a big torture for the poor kid, who cannot express itself in words and resorts to the only medium that it knows- that is crying. The tears appear like huge drops and the whole face is red like a tomato…but it can’t do anything. A slight twitch of the body results in cuts and knick’s which cause further pain and tears.
Further, after the shave it just has to bear the burning sensation and there is no way he may complain about it. Most kids end up looking hideous after the process… Given a choice I would never subject my child to this torture…my poor baby…I would end up in tears seeing him wither in tears! But Indian’s are so custom bound, that they are not ready to budge or forgo such things. You as parents hardly have any say in front of an endless list of relatives, who all claim to know what’s good for your child as this is your first experience at raising kids.
God Bless my Child!!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Is it a boy or a girl???
I am constantly being asked whether I want a boy or a girl. I wonder if that really matters. What difference is that going to make? Except for the fact that I might get a wider range of clothes to dress up my little baby girl & the choicest of accessory options… both kids are ultimately going to be same!
A baby being a baby, irrespective of the gender is a pleasure. It will give you the same amount of joy and exertion. Seeing any child laugh, gurgle and make sound melts hearts, so does its gender really make a difference. They all look equally cute with their small toes and hands and delightful smile. They all smell delicious and you feel like cuddling and hugging them the moment you lay your eyes on them, so why bother if it’s a girl or a boy?
Irrespective of its gender, its bound to cry in the middle of the night leaving parents fumbled wondering “what’s the reason for these tears”. A parent will never be able to decipher what is the reason for its agonizing pain and discomfort and fret beyond words trying to pacify it. That little bundle is parceled between two inexperienced set of arms who are constantly questioning each other about the cause of tears…till the poor child gets fed up after an hour and goes back to sleep leaving the parents wondering why did it cry in the first place and hoping that the rest of the night its little angel sleeps peacefully with no more tears. I read somewhere that while this game of passing the parcel is on the parents recite a mini poem which is something on these lines-
“Do you think its hungry…but that’s not possible, I just fed him…maybe it needs a change...No it’s not wet…so do you think its hungry…but that’s not possible, I just fed him…maybe it needs a change, let me check…is it possible it’s still hungry…”
The kid gets tired of hearing this poem and ultimately dozes off…
I don’t think that the boy is going to be less fussy about its food, or the girl would give me less trouble in the supermarkets while shopping…a child is a responsibility irrespective of its gender. They are all like little angels! There is a rush of emotion every time you see your child which leaves you amazed with God’s creation. This tiny little beautiful piece of wonderment playing in your arms is a wonderful combination of two peoples deeply in love- You & your husband. Your child is a blessed image of you and your life partner, so it really doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl. It just leaves you thrilled, knowing you created it and it’s going to be a part of your forever...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I saw my Baby!!!
I had my second sonography yesterday…and I saw my baby!!! I saw its spine, head, eyes, hands and a small thumb!! It was such an adorable sight…my kid rolled its fist and gave me a thumbs up, atleast that’s how I would like to interpret it…I also saw its heartbeat…and I was totally amazed. My husband also accompanied me to see the baby, although I must say it was tough to make out everything as it was so vague…but it was a sight to see.
I am in my 6 month of pregnancy and the baby is 11 inches long; the size of a papaya! My weight is going to shoot up from now onwards and I have heard that from next month even a simple walk is going to be an effort…but nevertheless I am counting days and weeks.
My baby continuously moves around in its little house and practices all its acrobatic moves on my tummy. Everytime I talk to it or tell something or even ask a question with options, it responds with a kick or a small punch, acknowledging every word I tell. It is so much fun talking to it this way. Even yesterday, during the sonography it kept punching away to glory because the doctor was putting a lot of pressure on my tummy…maybe it was telling her to just buzz off and leave it in peace…:)
I am in my 6 month of pregnancy and the baby is 11 inches long; the size of a papaya! My weight is going to shoot up from now onwards and I have heard that from next month even a simple walk is going to be an effort…but nevertheless I am counting days and weeks.
My baby continuously moves around in its little house and practices all its acrobatic moves on my tummy. Everytime I talk to it or tell something or even ask a question with options, it responds with a kick or a small punch, acknowledging every word I tell. It is so much fun talking to it this way. Even yesterday, during the sonography it kept punching away to glory because the doctor was putting a lot of pressure on my tummy…maybe it was telling her to just buzz off and leave it in peace…:)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
My clothes don't fit anymore!!!
I have become fat…although I would like to describe myself as a cute and plump mother to be…but in normal words it is referred as FAT!! I have put on 5 kgs and weight 60 kgs now.I no longer fit into any of my jeans or trousers or dresses for that matter. And; this has really become a matter of stress for me. Although I knew this was borne to happen, but it can become quite taxing when every morning you have to struggle to fit into a dress and then try and decipher what to wear, because, the dress you picked doesn’t fit you any longer!
It’s not like I haven’t gone shopping…but anything you select even the sales girl comes up with recommendations to buy a size larger! That really gets onto my nerves, as I look like a complete fool…like a flower pot, in those loose fitting clothes which, apparently are supposed to make me feel comfortable and ventilated, but leave me feeling miserable! Uhh!
The other day, I was visiting one of our family friends and although I planned to get dressed an hour earlier, I still ended up being late ‘cos out of the four dresses that I put on, I couldn’t fit into even one of them comfortably! .I ended up pulling out a few stitches here and there from a dress to loosen it up a bit so that I could fit my large frame in it.
Now being a girl, gaining weight is always going to be a depressing issue…and no matter what the reason it would leave you very distraught. I have already started praying that I can get back into shape post my delivery! Adding to my agony, my doctor told me I may be putting on another 5-8 kgs, in the next 3 months!! Kind of weird imaging myself all blown up! But kind of pleased to think my baby is growing so fast. As of today it weights 500gms and I am going for my second sonography this week..:)
It’s not like I haven’t gone shopping…but anything you select even the sales girl comes up with recommendations to buy a size larger! That really gets onto my nerves, as I look like a complete fool…like a flower pot, in those loose fitting clothes which, apparently are supposed to make me feel comfortable and ventilated, but leave me feeling miserable! Uhh!
The other day, I was visiting one of our family friends and although I planned to get dressed an hour earlier, I still ended up being late ‘cos out of the four dresses that I put on, I couldn’t fit into even one of them comfortably! .I ended up pulling out a few stitches here and there from a dress to loosen it up a bit so that I could fit my large frame in it.
My baby bump visible at 5 months
Monday, March 15, 2010
Our first gift to our Baby!
People say the footsteps of a child are the blessed footprints of God in your life; it brings good luck and prosperity.
Well my kid sure has bought us some prosperity. We bought our first house, a huge investment and a little token of love for our child who will play & grow up in its own house! I have had a hectic month getting the house functional. We did a small Pooja with family and friends on Mahashivratri and moved in this month. We have been wondering once the baby comes where we would like to have its bed, what all little stuff would be required. My bhabhi who had come over the other day with her 6 month old baby boy and my child’s first cousin, gave me tips on child management and list of essential purchase stuff.
They say, a child should always sleep in a cot which has been passed on from one child to another and also for the initial few days, they should be made to wear clothes that have been worn by another kid…logic being the baby’s skin is extremely soft and a used piece of clothing which has been washed a few times and worn protects the skin. I didn’t know this and it was piece of information for me! Well I have been getting such tips and pieces of information from friends and family all over… how I should walk, what kind of clothing to wear and what food to eat. These small personal experience stories and anecdotes shared by all leaves me quite enlightened.
Well my kid sure has bought us some prosperity. We bought our first house, a huge investment and a little token of love for our child who will play & grow up in its own house! I have had a hectic month getting the house functional. We did a small Pooja with family and friends on Mahashivratri and moved in this month. We have been wondering once the baby comes where we would like to have its bed, what all little stuff would be required. My bhabhi who had come over the other day with her 6 month old baby boy and my child’s first cousin, gave me tips on child management and list of essential purchase stuff.
They say, a child should always sleep in a cot which has been passed on from one child to another and also for the initial few days, they should be made to wear clothes that have been worn by another kid…logic being the baby’s skin is extremely soft and a used piece of clothing which has been washed a few times and worn protects the skin. I didn’t know this and it was piece of information for me! Well I have been getting such tips and pieces of information from friends and family all over… how I should walk, what kind of clothing to wear and what food to eat. These small personal experience stories and anecdotes shared by all leaves me quite enlightened.
Monday, February 22, 2010
I am in here!
This little kiddo has started moving around. The movements are gentle and fluttering sensations like water boiling or something tumbling and rolling!
This young one was really active last night when I could make out the maximum movement…and it was fun! I can finally feel my baby…hehehehe….
This young one was really active last night when I could make out the maximum movement…and it was fun! I can finally feel my baby…hehehehe….
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Look who’s hearing???
I read this beautiful line somewhere-“The moment a child is born, the parents are also born. They never existed before. Individuals existed before who shared their life together but being a parent is absolutely new. When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.”
Well adding to this thought a bit more, now that I have completed 18 weeks, my little one can hear and make out my voice. So I am actually not alone in my thoughts any more! Also just advising all to be a bit careful about what you say around me...’cos then you know how little minds are impressionable and they are fast learners too!!!
I have started talking to my baby… telling little things about my routine and my daily life. My mother got me the Bhagvat Gita and told me to read to the baby, although not got around to do that yet…but I like telling it more about what I am doing and how am I feeling at the moment…feel some kind of strange bonding…I dot my conversation’s with little endearing’s and keep talking about all the silly things that I do. Its kind of fun, but need to be careful in public, ‘cos then people may think I am kind of crazy talking away to myself all sorts of nonsense!
I also told me husband to get me these ‘Garabh Sanskar’ CD’s, which left him pretty amused, but I read somewhere that music has a really soothing and calming effect on the child and who wouldn’t want a peaceful kid who sleeps at night and also lets u sleep!
Anyways, now that this baby of mine can hear, I am really enjoying my time, discussing my day with it and it sure is a very pleasurable & amusing experience!
Well adding to this thought a bit more, now that I have completed 18 weeks, my little one can hear and make out my voice. So I am actually not alone in my thoughts any more! Also just advising all to be a bit careful about what you say around me...’cos then you know how little minds are impressionable and they are fast learners too!!!
I have started talking to my baby… telling little things about my routine and my daily life. My mother got me the Bhagvat Gita and told me to read to the baby, although not got around to do that yet…but I like telling it more about what I am doing and how am I feeling at the moment…feel some kind of strange bonding…I dot my conversation’s with little endearing’s and keep talking about all the silly things that I do. Its kind of fun, but need to be careful in public, ‘cos then people may think I am kind of crazy talking away to myself all sorts of nonsense!
I also told me husband to get me these ‘Garabh Sanskar’ CD’s, which left him pretty amused, but I read somewhere that music has a really soothing and calming effect on the child and who wouldn’t want a peaceful kid who sleeps at night and also lets u sleep!
Anyways, now that this baby of mine can hear, I am really enjoying my time, discussing my day with it and it sure is a very pleasurable & amusing experience!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Cutie Baby Stuff!!
I know there is loads of time left, and I have not yet started to show, but my motherly instincts couldn’t resist a peak into this store selling baby cots and other stuff. It was the most adorable sight, these lovely cots decorated in all their glory with lovely printed quilts and hanging ornamental pieces that were so pleasing to the eye. It was just like a princely bed waiting for a little baby to be placed in it.
The beauty of these little possessions is that it adds magic to your baby room making it the most revered place in the world. Gorgeous, tiny & exquisite smelling babies sleeping peacefully in a lovely crib with white net and lace covering them is such a lovable & royal view.
The other collection’s were perfect sets of white and cream bootees & caps done in crochet with little ribbons as bows…just imagining my baby in these warm bootees all cuddly and cute delighted me.
Looking at all the baby stuff around made me want two or three more babies simply for the sheer pleasure and joy of dressing them all up…although a few of my friends and well wishers have warned me of the repercussions of such desires!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Baby Names!
There is always something exciting & fascinating about thinking about a name for your baby. And invariably one starts doing it from day one, once you get the news of your pregnancy. These days my husband and me are in a deep discussion over the names we would like to keep. And since it’s bound to happen that a husband and wife rarely reach on a consensus on any topic, we are having our share of disputes. The reasons vary from the name is too common name to its so difficult to pronounce or it sounds so weird, to outright it’s a rubbish name.
Since we are Indians and again Hindu’s, therefore mythology, numerology, astrology and any other science that you can think up of is applicable while naming a child, hence we have to consider the Rashi at the time of birth, the akshar at the time of birth, the time at the time of birth and the planetary positions…which makes the whole task quite tedious. Hence the common conclusion that we have been able to reach so far is to select names starting with all alphabets in Hindi and English for both the genders, so, at the final moment we have our favourite names handy. Which itself is a fairly tough task because now, you have to reach a consensus on a favourite name for every alphabet where in you are having atleast 3 to 4 options per alphabet. So anybody who is good in maths, specially permutations and combinations can give you an idea of the name range that we need to shortlist!
Apart from this, we are again having a minor glitch on the logic of naming our child. I would want the name to start with ‘H’ and he would obviously want ‘M’, provided we discount the Rashi thing as of now. That apart, I am quite religiously sentimental and strongly believe in fairly tales, so wish to have a name which means a god or a goddess or can be interpreted as a child blessed by God or some form of a king or a queen/princess. On the other hand, my husband is a hardcore sports person who is toying with the idea of naming our child after a sports man who would be awarded the "man of the match" or win a tournament on the day of the child’s birth! Now, it could be any sport really like a cricket, tennis, hockey or badminton, no issues about it and the player of the day would be honored as we would name our child after him. No offense to anyone, all are great players but what if it’s a tongue twister kind of name of some foreign player or its an international player who wins on the date I deliver, I can’t name my child after a player just because they won the Wimbledon on that day. Although, after I developed a liking for tennis I personally adore Fedrer and think he is an awesome guy and plays like GOD, but still I am not convinced enough to name my son “Roger”!
Since I have been insisting on some kind of king or queen kind of a character, my husband has suggested “Ravaan” or “Kaans”. His justification is they were after all learned people, just their deeds were not justified at that time and according to him I should be open to the idea of making a change and take the initiative of naming our child differently. I am not at all game to this idea, although my mother seems to be supporting him in this nonsense suggestion! Please excuse me; I can still take the sport’s person!
My husband is also worried I may give our child some weird embarrassing nickname and is trying to shortlist a name which cannot be abbreviated any further…but it’s an undue worry because I have already though of a nickname which is soo adorable & cute, but only to my ears!
At the end I have reached the conclusion that thinking up of a suitable name is a tough task which leaves us with flared tempers. No wonder we need to keep thinking for nine months, to get the perfect name!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
My Little Nephew

I have a 7 year old nephew, who at his age is full of curiosity and has his own sense of reasoning for things- the way they exist and why they happen. My sister shared my pregnancy news with him, which left him pondering whether he needs to look forward to a brother or a sister. He also was delighted when suggested it could be twins, which left him pretty pleased. But at the end he concluded a baby brother was a better option. No reasons given, but I think its one of those “boy things”.
My sister has to coax him to get over to the phone and talk to me, which is a very painful activity in his daily life and is an obligatory task that he needs to get over, but nevertheless he performs his duty. He keeps enquiring about my health and everytime I tell him I am not keeping well, his only answer to the same is-“Its ok masi, maybe its the baby, he is trying to come out.” That one comment of his leaves us all in splits as I feel like a hen laying an egg, and the egg trying to be pushed out. But for him, it’s the simplest logic for my apparent discomfort.
I told him the baby would be out sometime during your birthday and maybe I can give it to you as a gift. This left him pretty distraught and he tried his best to reason with me and explain that a baby is not a gift to be given off to someone and he specially is not looking forward to such a gift!
He is very tender around kids and cares for the ones younger to him, but they better know he is the elder one who is going to tame their actions and correct them, because he is the big brother.
I love being around my nephew and hope for a kid, just like him, with all the bubbly enthusiasm and fusses that this young fellow has!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Week 13, End of First Trimester
This is my last week for the first trimester…my baby is 88mm long i.e 3 inches!!! Quite difficult to imagine! When I first got myself checked my baby was as big as the head of a pin or a mustard seed! Technically that’s just a “dot”, so small I could hardly make it out, till the doctor showed me the speed at which she was moving, I wouldn’t call it a heartbeat, more like a horse galloping down a racecourse! It was also using up all my energy to grow & develop its organs, which really left me exhausted, but then it was all for my little one.
At week 10, the size of a grape, my baby had little toes and hands and was also moving by bending its feet, although I couldn’t make that out and it’s going to take me another few months to feel any sought of movement; which is pretty disappointing! I keep checking out my tummy for signs of growth and movement, but nothing is visible as of now. By week 11, there were tiny tooth buds and the at week 12, my doc said, your little one maybe sucking its thumb...although its cute to imagine...that’s not a habit I want to encourage once its out and in my arms!
And now at 13 weeks, with 3 months ending…my baby has a fully developed brain, spine, a heart, body organs and even eyes & hair! I hope the hair are like me dark brown and eyes like my husband with thick eyelashes…just imagining the face gives me such a thrill…when I actually hold the kid I hope I don’t go jumping around the room...that would be a sight!!
At week 10, the size of a grape, my baby had little toes and hands and was also moving by bending its feet, although I couldn’t make that out and it’s going to take me another few months to feel any sought of movement; which is pretty disappointing! I keep checking out my tummy for signs of growth and movement, but nothing is visible as of now. By week 11, there were tiny tooth buds and the at week 12, my doc said, your little one maybe sucking its thumb...although its cute to imagine...that’s not a habit I want to encourage once its out and in my arms!
And now at 13 weeks, with 3 months ending…my baby has a fully developed brain, spine, a heart, body organs and even eyes & hair! I hope the hair are like me dark brown and eyes like my husband with thick eyelashes…just imagining the face gives me such a thrill…when I actually hold the kid I hope I don’t go jumping around the room...that would be a sight!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
We Are Expecting!!
I didn’t believe in love at first sight till I met my husband. Getting married & spending my life with him seemed the most natural thing for me and life thereafter felt just perfect. Now 2 years later, we are entering a new phase of our life together. We are going to become the proud parents of a little baby.
I never realized that having a baby could be such a joyful experience. It is an out of the world experience and no matter how much you read about it, or hear about it, nothing can prepare you for the incredible love, joy and sheer happiness the news of a baby can bring.
We had been talking about having a baby for sometime. But the news still created the desired effect of surprise and thrill. I will be completing my first trimester by next week and it’s been an eventful 3 months. I have experienced all the nausea, fatigue & emotional upswing in this period.
My first sonography that gave me a glimpse of the little life in my tummy was a thrilling moment. It was just a little dot moving at high speed, which I was told was the heartbeat! I couldn’t control my laughter and amazement on seeing it. I couldn’t stop gushing about it to my husband…there’s a baby!! A small, teenie weenie thing that’s growing at a weekly pace, forming its little organs and expression and is going to become a beautiful combination of both of us! It’s a wonderful and awesome feeling...we were just individuals who were sharing our life together, but now we are going to become parents...and it’s absolutely amazing!
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