I have a 7 year old nephew, who at his age is full of curiosity and has his own sense of reasoning for things- the way they exist and why they happen. My sister shared my pregnancy news with him, which left him pondering whether he needs to look forward to a brother or a sister. He also was delighted when suggested it could be twins, which left him pretty pleased. But at the end he concluded a baby brother was a better option. No reasons given, but I think its one of those “boy things”.
My sister has to coax him to get over to the phone and talk to me, which is a very painful activity in his daily life and is an obligatory task that he needs to get over, but nevertheless he performs his duty. He keeps enquiring about my health and everytime I tell him I am not keeping well, his only answer to the same is-“Its ok masi, maybe its the baby, he is trying to come out.” That one comment of his leaves us all in splits as I feel like a hen laying an egg, and the egg trying to be pushed out. But for him, it’s the simplest logic for my apparent discomfort.
I told him the baby would be out sometime during your birthday and maybe I can give it to you as a gift. This left him pretty distraught and he tried his best to reason with me and explain that a baby is not a gift to be given off to someone and he specially is not looking forward to such a gift!
He is very tender around kids and cares for the ones younger to him, but they better know he is the elder one who is going to tame their actions and correct them, because he is the big brother.
I love being around my nephew and hope for a kid, just like him, with all the bubbly enthusiasm and fusses that this young fellow has!!!

Wow, he's such a big boy now! I remember seeing his pics when he was really little. Girl or boy, I am sure he'll make a great big brother.