Tuesday, July 20, 2010

40 Weeks & Rocking!!!

The count down has begun!!!

It’s like a New Year eve party where you count till the clock strikes 12 and that's how I am feeling...it is like an endless wait...the visits to the doctor more often, the hospital bag all prepared, my parents visits planned and the last few days change in diet...but you never know...!!!

My little one might just decide to prolong his stay in the cozy cocoon inside and I may end up with a late delivery or it might just decide to pop out and say “Hi, I am here!!!” but the anticipation is killing…

My nephew, whose favourite question is, ”When is your baby out?”, is really looking forward to having twins, although I tried telling him we are not having twins, but his persistent “what if they are twins,masi?”, really didn’t warrant the dampening of spirits…so I told him it would be really thrilling then. My sister added if they are triplets, he might end up running down the streets with excitement….although we know its just one baby as per the sonography! Bless my stars!!!

The imagination has gotten far more vivid these days with me getting a glimpse of my baby’s face in my dreams, so if the next day I describe it to my husband; he is a bit skeptical considering the past history of my dreams and their accuracy…hehehehe. But all in all I am damn excited. Every movement in my tummy is sheer joy but the wait unbearable!!!

I am anxious about the whole process and also fear the intensity of my screams. I tried cross checking with the nurses in my hospital if the labour room is sound proof, this didn’t evoke much of a response from them, except to tell me to relax! Which obliviously I can’t as of now…I am at the end of my nerves!

We have 7 days to go!!! And I am expecting a little roaring Lion (well the star sign is going to be Leo, so I did do the parent-child compatibility test….genuineness of the same can be verified over the coming years!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Just got your message about the wonderful wonderful news!! COngratulations to both of you. Its amazing that you always referred to him as "he" and it did in fact turn out to be a baby boy. Wishing all 3 of you the best....
